Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from an Amazon EC2 instance

If you wish to take a snapshot of your instance or copy the Image of an existing instance to other regions, you may create an AMI.

To generate an AMI, follow these steps:


Login to your AWS Account

Under Actions > Image and templates > Create Image

  • You can also Choose Create Image from the context menu when you right-click the instance you wish to use as the foundation for your AMI.

In Create image, type your desired naming convention, then Create Image.

  • Choose the No reboot option if you don’t want your instance to be shut down.
  • If your server is running slowly, you can restart it. Similarly to what we do when our laptops/desktops perform slowly 😅

It may take a few minutes for the AMI to be created.

After it is created, it will appear in the AMIs view in AWS Explorer. To display this view, under Images, click AMIs.

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