Setting Up Redirects on Amazon S3 for a Custom Domain Registered with Route 53

This article will guide you on creating redirects on Amazon S3 for a website with a custom domain registered with Amazon Route 53. The following services will be used: Amazon Route 53 for domain registration and routing internet traffic, Amazon S3 for bucket creation, uploading a redirection script, configuring permissions for public access, and configuring the buckets for website hosting.

In this example, we will redirect a custom domain registered with Amazon Route 53 instead of using this lengthy URL. –*all&awsf.location=*all&awsf.year=*all&cb-cards.q=Nestor%2BMayagma%2BJr.&cb-cards.q_operator=AND.


Step 1: Go to Amazon S3 → Buckets → Create bucket

Follow these configurations:

Step 2: Go to Properties → Static website hosting → Edit → Enable → Save Changes

Follow this configuration:

Step 3: Copy the Bucket website endpoint. We’ll be using it later in Route53.

Step 4: Go to the Permissions tab → Bucket policy → Edit.

Paste this policy:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": ""

Save Changes.

Step 5: Create an HTML file that contains a redirection script.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=*all&awsf.location=*all&awsf.year=*all&cb-cards.q=Nestor%2BMayagma%2BJr.&cb-cards.q_operator=AND">

Replace the current URL with the URL you wish to redirect to.

In this example, we’re using the http-equiv attribute with a “refresh” directive in a <meta> tag to redirect to the AWS Community Builder Directory, where my name is listed.

Step 6: Save the file and name it index.html.

Step 7: Upload the index.html file in Amazon S3

Add files → Upload the created HTML file:

Click Upload.

Step 8: Go to Route53 → Hosted Zones → Your domain → Create record

Follow this configuration:

That’s it! Using will now redirect to this very lengthy URL –*all&awsf.location=*all&awsf.year=*all&cb-cards.q=Nestor%2BMayagma%2BJr.&cb-cards.q_operator=AND

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